What is it?

A two day conference for theater artists who create or are interested in creating collaborative new work to learn and share the methods that they use. There will be demonstrations, panel discussions, and time to meet and socialize with community participants.

When & where is it?

August 24-25, 2024 at The Crane Theater in Northeast Minneapolis. A full agenda will be announced in early August. The format will consist of 90 minute sessions separated by 30 minute breaks. The first hour of each session will be feature presentations by presenting companies on how they create work, topics about collaborative creation, or panel discussions. Each session will be followed by thirty minute breakout sessions allowing participants to mingle, discuss, and practice methods.

Who can participate?

Anyone with an interest in collaboratively creating new works of theater is welcome, up to the capacity of the venue (150). Registration has begun. Sign up now!

What does it cost?

The conference is free for all participants. Our goal is to make the event as accessible to all as possible.